Soiree de Poche

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I poached this from Kitsune Noir. I was already a huge fan of La Blogotheque, and the Take Away Shows. In particular, Beirut, Man Man, Alan Sparhawk and Arcade Fire to name a few. The new project is called Soiree de Poche and is more like a small concert in your home. I really liked the tone and feel of each video, from the editing to the camera position and angles. It changed per artist, and was based on the mood and feel of the show. Also check out Andrew Bird's performance as well.

Brooklyn Zoo

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just got back from visiting my brother in New York. Brooklyn is pretty amazing, reminds me of San Francisco a bit. There is a really great art, music and food scene going on there right now. Walking outside my brothers apartment, I found a goldmine of great textures and colors to capture.
Besides taking photos, I ate a ton of great food. With my brother being a chef, he knew all the good places to go. Whether it was pizza in Harlem, or a falafel sandwich in the city, we had great food everywhere we went. Thanks bro!
download portfolio/resume here